Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I will start this post by proclaiming my love of the crescent roll. I love, love, love, love 'em! Buttery, warm and flaky...seriously what could be better? I'm almost positive you could wrap and shoe in a crescent and it would be delicious to eat! Today's bento is a dinner leftover from last night (actually last night's dinner was crescent wrapped turkey dogs with cheese). I had some of the sheet I didn't use so a ham and cheese turnover was the by product. I had a pretty good portion to work with so I threw in some ham, cheddar and provolone cheese - folded the top over - sealed both edges with a fork. Presto-chango! A lunch has been created!

Contents include:
  • Ham and cheese turnover
  • Carrots
  • Yogurt raisins
  • Strawberries

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