Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Mom, do you have bento skills?"

Who would have thought that my stumbling would have shown me all the fun that you can have with bentos. My daughter (a too-cool 9 year old that we'll call "Bean") saw them and said "Mom, why can't you do something cool like that for me?".

So I started thinking, why can't I do that? I have okay creative skills and a slightly better than average cooking ability, this shouldn't be to hard. I was able to take inspiration from several of the great bento blog's and resources I found (once I have a chance I'll blog roll). I'd like to also throw in that I'm happy that Bean finally wanted me to start packing her lunch. The school food isn't the greatest and I'm now able to control the portions and content of the lunches.

This is my second go at bento! No laughing, I'm still a newbie! I forgot to take pics of my first one so I'll share from here on out. Drum roll please! Now presenting Bean's bento! Ta-Da!

Contents include:
  • Grapes
  • Blueberries
  • Cheese crackers
  • Strawberry & cream cheese rollup's
  • Turkey meatballs w/ string cheese
Hope you enjoy! :)

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