Friday, November 19, 2010

Field trip fake bento

So today is the big day!  It's the field trip Bean's been waiting for!

We started really early to make sure we were on time and sorted before we left.  Wake up call was at 5AM to ensure a 5:50AM drop off (entirely to dang early if you ask me).  Needless to say Mommy's was super tired since someone decided to wake up every hour, ON THE HOUR, from midnight on making sure we didn't over sleep.   

Everything that was sent needed to be disposable (ughh, hate it!).  Since we couldn't do a regular bento we decided to do some bag art to keep it interesting.  My bag was a tribute to the trip the colonists took getting to Jamestown.  Please keep the laughing to a minimum :)

I also did a little bag art.

Final fake bento product is below.  I was able to send a snack that went on the bus with her (TJ's Cat Cookies for People) in a separate container, not pictured.  I promise, I didn't send the whole tub with her.

Contents include:
  • PB & J sammie
  • Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
  • Apple
  • TJ's Strawberry cereal bar

(note: the colonial hats and ship are not historically correct).  Bean's was a little more straight forward.  The bottom on the bag was cut off in the picture, but it reads "I'm off to Jamestown with my peeps".  She's sucha silly kid!

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